Shidduch Resume Template
Click "Printable Guide" at the bottom of this page.
Make a copy of the document that opens by clicking ‘File’ and then ‘make a copy’
Delete the first page of instructions
Replace all placeholders with your personal information
Delete any irrelevant sections/items
Save as ‘Your Name Resume’
When you need to send it out, go to ‘File’ and then ‘Email’ and then ‘Email this file’.
Resume Template Overview
[Your full name] Resume:
[DOB, height]
[Phone number and/or email]
Family Background:
[Father’s name & occupation]
[Mother’s name (including maiden name) & occupation]
[Sibling 1, married to X, occupation]
[Sibling 2, married to X, occupation]
[Additional siblings should be listed out in the same format]
Work History:
Include Job Role, Company, Years
Include School Level, Year completed (or Current)
List out post-high school, high school & elementary school
Rebbi/Teacher: [Name, Phone Number]
Family Rav: [Name, Phone Number]
Family Friend: [Name, Phone Number]
Friend: [Name, Phone Number]
Friend: [Name, Phone Number]